lundi 11 avril 2011

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Report of the situation of the albinos in Senegal

The national association of the albinos of Senegal, which is called ANAS was born on may, fourteen 1997 from the same year thanks to the support of Linda Robinson, an American volunteer of American peace corps, the association was equipped with a canter for the promotion and social rehabilitation  of albinism.
As a matter of fact our report will talk about the following points:
  1. What’s albinism?
  2. What problems the albinos are and are confronted with?
  3. What are the perspectives for albinos in Senegal?

1-What’s albinism?

Albinism is heréditary disease. The new born-baby can get it from the parents or the grand-parents. That’s the reason why non albinos couple can have children with albinism by maternal or paternal lineage.
It’s a disease that appears by insufficiency in the person’s skin and throughout. Different levels with a defect of pigmentation of the eyes, the skin and the hair.
The defect from which suffers the albinos is sharper in some than in others. But in both cases it’s a real handicap. Most of all what is important to be noticed is that albinism has neither frontery any nationality; it’s a disease which can affect all the population in the world. But it‘s certain that the problem is more important in the poor populations.

2- What problems are the albinos and are confronted with?
The albino in Senegal is confronted with economic, political, social, cultural and sanitary problems not to say all the problems of the world.

a) On sanitary plan

by defect of pigmentation, the albino suffer from problems of vision often linked to movements of the eyes that give him a reduced vision compared to the other layers of the society. With this defect of pigmentation the albino has sensible skin and when exposed to sunlight can have a body cancer.

b) On political plan

For a long the albinos have been fighting but any measure is taken by the authorities to help them, they don’t benefit from medical care and the sun creams are inaccessible for them.
In this regard Senegal lags on compared to other countries. We can quote the example of Mauritania which has ratified the international convention of persons with disabilities, Senegal hasn’t yet.

c) On economic plan

The albinos live in extreme poverty by lack of education and training. His own source of income is begging. What he is obliged to do in order to survive. This remark leads some ill –intentioned people to exploit them for a sum of money.
In Senegal the national Association of Albinos has a centre built with the support of Linda Robinson, agent of the American Peace Corps. But the center falls into lethargy by luck of fund. The school does get any subsidy from the authorities; it is in land locked and liable to flooding area. It also suffers from a lack of material means for the promotion and the transport of albinos.

d) On social and cultural plan

The albinos are marginalized, rejected because considered as a curse. Most of all are looked down on, excluded as from birth or at young age. We can quote the case of baby albinos’ infanticide which is frequent. The adult are victim of discrimination one part of the society who refuses them marriage. In some areas of Senegal, they are considered as possessor of supernatural powers.
Thus the most be used as a sacrifice or be abused
So they never get social promotion.
3) What are the perspectives for the albinos in Senegal?
The albino is a full member of the society therefore. The measures to take for this well – being are:

-          the ratification of the right of the persons with disabilities likes the albinos
-          the granting of funds for the research related to albinos 
-          the creation of schemes of rehabilitation of the albinos in the economic fabric
-          the creation of education and training schools to equip the albino with qualification
-          the equipment of the albinos with tools of protection such as sun glasses, hat cotton clothes, and sun creams
-          the setting up of sensibilisation schemes for a better comprehension of albinos in one hand and the break of the myth that feature or characterize the disease in another
. We hope the African decade could get power means and the finance from our governments in there programmes to help the albinos.
Consequently we can say that the albinos is a human being like other human being, he is fragile. This he deserve protection. There fore it’s urgent for the international community to put pressure on the authorities for a better living of the albinos.
Together, let’s us fight for dignity, the promotion and the harmonious insertion of the albinos within the company.

77 612 27 44 / 33 952 15 68
BP: 962 à Thiès sénégal

The national President in Senegal
Mouhamadou Bamba DIOP    

mercredi 23 mars 2011


Siège Social :
Centre Linda Robinson House Sis Quartier Sam Pathé II derrière Boulangerie Mouridoullahi Route de Khombole Thiès
Contacts: 77612 27 44 / 
Boite Postale : 1250 Thiés


Création de L’ANAS :
A été créée le 14 mai 1997 à Thiès par de jeunes albinos,regroupant plus de 500 membres dont 70% d’hommes et 30% de femmes.
Regrouper tous les albinos du Sénégal,les intégrer dans la société active, les aider moralement et sanitairement afi, de préserver leurs dignités d'être humain.

1.Sensibiliser l’opinion publique et les autorités publics sur l’albinisme pour une prise en charge médicale des albinos
2.Assurer et faciliter leur accès à l’éducation et à la formation
3.Encadrer à créer des activités génératrices de revenus
4.Faciliter leur insertion dans la vie professionnelle.

Éducation (préscolaire, élémentaire et alphabétisation);
Formation Professionnelle (couture, tissage, teinture, broderie, crochets, informatique).
AGR (embouche bovine, aviculture, maraîchage,  boutique communautaire).

¨ Extension et modernisation du centre, en un Centre polyvalent regroupant toutes les activité ci-dessus énumérées, plus une infirmerie fonctionnelle dotée d’une pharmacie.
¨ Équiper le centre en matériels didactiques, mobiliers, ordinateurs, et moyens logistiques (bus de transport, voitures de liaison).

Qu’est ce que c’est l’albinisme?

L’albinisme est une maladie héritée de chacun des parents qui touche aussi bien les garçons que les filles. Leur particularité est qu’ils ont peu ou pas de pigmentation dans la peau, dans les yeux et dans les cheveux.
Quelles sont les problèmes de santé de l’albinos ?
Ils sont essentiellement d’ordre :
- Cutané: infection et cancer de la peau par absence de pigmentations
- Oculaire: avec éblouissement à la lumière, strabisme, nystagmus (mouvements involontaires d’aller-retour des yeux), vision très réduite
Où se trouve les albinos ?
L’albinisme atteint toutes les populations du monde de façon variable selon les groupes humains.
L’Albinos peut-il mener une vie normale?
Oui, il peut avoir des enfants mais ils seront tous porteurs de gènes déficients. Il aura une espérance de vie normale s’il se protège du soleil. L’albinisme peut causer des dommages mentaux, certaines professions lui sont interdites du fait de la sensibilité de sa peau et des problèmes visuels.
Comment sont  perçus les albinos ?
Il y a eu et il y aura toujours discrimination: 
- Rejet à la naissance avec infanticides
 - Interdiction de mariages
 - Mépris et honte
 -Exclusion et victimes de sacrifices car considérés comme possesseurs de  forces surnaturelles.